Top Level Pricing Software at the Service of Your Pricing and Commercial Strategy
Better analytics, lower risk, better control, higher profit.
Data analytics, machine learning, forecast, ERP crossed with margin control, profit optimization, price analyses.
These words and notions bring some complex challenges to companies. How do you make sure that all your sale prices are aligned? You have more control on your costs but does it encompass ALL your selling prices?
Operating in many countries, how do you avoid cross- border selling? Some of your products are positioned lower/higher than others and you want to avoid cannibalization.
Our pricing tools and software enable you to get precise analysis, visibility and control over your selling prices.
Nowadays we have high level technologies and extended data sets. On the other hand the business, itself is enriched with a growing number of countries in which you can and will operate. More customers and opportunities that you need to monetize. Plus keeping a clear, dynamic view on.
Our pricing tools and software enable you to get the best analytics on your prices, margins, products and customer segmentation.
Suited for B2B and B2C our software comprises a large range of variations for analysing, building your prices or managing your promotions. We have partnered with PriceFx – one of the top price software developers in profit, sales and margin optimization. For the new ERPs such as Microsoft Dynamics D365 F&O, we embed our pricng software. This empowers us to run and develop the pricing transformation from A to Z.
TheConsultants connects the dots between the strategy: advises on pricing, analytics and pricing software and ensures the interim management for the implementation and daily hands-on.

Do You Control All Your Costs?
A great help for your costs. Often the costs are being calculated in separate applications such as SAP (SAP Fico) or alike, whilst pricing is being handled in a non-integrated way on Excel spreadsheets.
With our pricing software, PriceFx, your costs are directly uploaded to make sure that your selling price level is optimized. Integration with SAP and Microsoft Dynamics is available. We provide an integrated solution for your full order to cash process (O2C).
How Do You Make Sure That All Your Sales Prices Are Aligned?
Depending on the number of products, services combinations of both or SKU’s you are selling, there is complexity into making sure that all prices are aligned.
You may have decided that product line A is more expensive than product line B, but is it always the case when the sale takes place?
With our pricing software and tools, we provide you with a continuous overview. It makes the price strategy execution easy.
While Operating in Multiple Countries, How Do You Avoid Cross-Border Selling?
From large multinationals to SME’s, when you operate in several countries the issue of cross border selling arises. When you are selling, prices are different from one country to another. How do you avoid the buying outside of the usual country of purchase to obtain a cheaper price?
Pricing analysis software can provide you a real-time view on the actual risks and reveals the potential for improvement. It is by far easier to decide which is the best way to differentiate prices from neighbouring countries.
Answer to ‘how many of your customers actually do cross border to purchase’? These transactions can be identified, also the customers already doing this and at risk to do it. In terms of loss, the cross border sales may rapidly take away large chunks of your margin, particularly the most profitable ones. Lowering this risk and avoiding these losses triggers a quick improvement of the return on investment.
B2B markets become more and more sophisticated.
Sometimes first offer needs to be close enough to get to the next stage. On the seller side the profitability is important whilst your ability to provide products and services will make the deal viable for your company. A systematic precision is necessary, our tools and pricing software partner can provide that for you.
Competitors price are being compiled.
In general, these price points are known within your pricing, marketing or sales teams. What do you do once these price points are taken into consideration? Often it ends being an ad-hoc case by case factorisation. It is an information that needs to be in your day to day pricing not only once, but always. Also, the companies adding technology to their pricing get an eye-opening effect on the missed opportunities of the past and future opportunities on price optimization.
What stands between now and profit leap is just the very first step.